Pakistan – Starfish Asia

Since 2013, CC Ministries has been involved in Pakistan, a country of 240 million where Christians face poverty because of inequality, lack of education, marginalization and sometimes persecution.

Starfish AsiaPakistani Christian leaders say, “If you really want to help our community, help us with education.” This advice led to the launch of a ministry known as Starfish Asia. Starfish is making a difference throughout Pakistan, addressing the educational needs of the poor, especially (though not exclusively) in the Christian community. CC Ministries supports the wonderful work of Starfish Asia in Pakistan, helping Christian schools cover teachers’ salaries and operational costs, and contributing to the effective ministry of other schools around the country. (Learn more about Starfish Asia on their Website.)

Starfish AsiaThis CC Ministries project helps Pakistan’s disadvantaged children escape from poverty through education. Our generous donors enable Christian schools to provide good quality education, thus helping students achieve their potential, and enabling them to take the journey from ignorance and poverty to a life of dignity and responsibility.

How can I help?

To begin with (and most important), we encourage you to pray for God’s blessing on the strategic ministry of Starfish Asia in Pakistan. And we invite you to provide help and hope to the children of Pakistan through one-time gifts or regular automatic giving. To support ICCM’s Pakistan Starfish Asia project through secure online giving:

  • Click the blue GIVE NOW button below.
  • Select PAKISTAN Starfish Asia from the drop-down “Give to” list.
  • To designate your giving toward a specific school, please leave a note in the Comments field at the bottom of the payment screen.

(You can also conveniently support the Starfish Asia project through Interac email transfer or by cheque. See ICCM’s Giving Page for instructions.)

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Starfish Asia