Welcome to CC Ministries

CC Ministries supports Christians who compassionately care for some of the world’s most vulnerable people (orphaned children, elderly with no loved ones, struggling widows, and disabled people).

We also support some very strategic grass-roots ministries (evangelism, church planting, leadership training, livelihood development, and more) in some very challenging parts of the world.

The global CC Ministries family implements international projects involving home-grown national ministries around the world – brothers & sisters in Christ serving their own people on the front lines of need.

In Canada, we are ICCM (International Coordinated Christian Ministries). In the USA, we are CCM (Coordinated Christian Ministries).

We welcome you to join us in sharing God’s truth & love with people who are precious to Him. Your giving through CC Ministries goes a long way. Here at home, we have no employees and pay no rent. In our project countries, integrity and wise use of entrusted funds are an absolute priority. And when you designate a gift through ICCM towards a specific project, 100% of your gift goes towards that ministry. ICCM does not deduct any amount for administration.

Pakistan Children

To all our friends and supporters… THANK YOU! You are a vital part of ICCM’s worldwide ministry. May you experience the blessing that comes with pleasing our Lord (Hebrews 13:16):

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”