ICCM affirms that it is evangelical, interdenominational, and international. We believe:
The Bible is verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit and inerrant in the original writings; and constitutes our guide and final authority in life and faith.
- In one Triune God: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- In the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His deity, His sinlessness, His atoning sacrifice on Calvary, His resurrection from the dead, His ascension, and His imminent return for His bride, the Church.
- In the Holy Spirit, His indwelling presence in the believer, His baptism of all who believe into the body of Christ, and His seal of the believer for eternity.
- In Satan, the personal enemy of the souls of men.
- In man’s lost state without Christ, and in man’s total fallen nature requiring Christ’s atoning sacrifice for reconciliation with God through salvation.
- In salvation by grace through faith in the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ as the sole means of attaining eternal life.
- In the everlasting reward of the saved in Heaven; and in the everlasting separation from God of the lost in Hell.
- In the Church, the bride of Christ, in its universal aspect, the whole body of those who have been born again of the Spirit; and in its local expression, the assembly established for worship and witness in the community.